Your First Skate Class: What to Expect
1) 提前15分钟到场,找到你的电子学号,套到头盔上,学号面向天空,以便滑过计圈系统时,记录你的圈数。家长可以从圈数显示器上看到:“学号 圈数”
4) 连续滑圈15分钟,如果零基础,穿轮滑鞋走15分钟
7) 5分钟休息,喝水
8) 捡桩接力, 15分钟。教练会将你放到某个组,听从指挥。
9)Sticker time: 每个小朋友发一个sticker
10) 有问题可以问教练,解散回家。
Here is the class schedule that the new students from classes Q and K need to know:
Arrive 15 minutes early, find your electronic student number, put it on your helmet with the number facing the sky so that your lap counts can be recorded when you pass the lap-counting system. Parents can see the lap count on the display board: "Student ID Lap Count."
Put on your inline skates, wear all the protective gear, and have parents assist you in lining up at the starting point. If you have zero experience, find a coach to help tie your wheels and walk.
Self-introduction. The coach usually calls out the names of the new students and has them make a simple self-introduction.
Skate laps continuously for 15 minutes. If you have zero experience, walk for 15 minutes in your inline skates.
Take a 5-minute break to drink water.
Technical instruction for 15 minutes. Do as much as you can, there is no uniform requirement.
Take a 5-minute break to drink water.
Relay pick-up cones for 15 minutes. The coach will put you in a group and give you instructions.
Sticker time: Each child will receive a sticker.
If you have any questions, you can ask the coach, and then you can dismiss and go home.
Note: Do not bring food or toys to inline skating class. Generally, bringing only water is enough. We hope that children will focus solely on their lessons.