

周日,P2P2023开会的时候我们提到的轮滑班可以接收公司捐款,@Xianyin Lai(Erica#63&Kaden#50) 在组织milestone期间曾做过仔细的研究,下面是他给大家写的介绍,请大家(特别是在Lilly工作的家长)仔细看一下。我们不是要求大家捐款,而是在考虑一种情况,即你的公司号召员工捐款,当你不得不捐时,请考虑捐给我们轮滑班Kids Inline Skating Inc,这个名字Xianyin Lain 已经把它放进了United Way可选名单中,你可以看到。只要选了Kids Inline Skating Inc,你们公司就会把你的捐款和公司Match的钱,一起转给United way,每个季度结束的时候,United Way就会给我们轮滑班寄一张支票。这些钱就可以给小教练设奖学金,或者我们搞活动时使用(轮滑班的所有员工都是志愿者,不发工资)。为了轮滑班更好的服务小朋友,请大家花点时间看一下赖先银写的这个东西:

Eli Lilly has kicked off United Way Campaign on 8/16. It will end on 9/29. Eli Lilly will provide 1:1 match for every donation. If a person donates for the first time, the match will be 1:2.

If you or your family members and friends work at Eli Lilly, please consider designating your or their donation to KIDS INLINE SKATING INC. You can search the whole name or some words in the whole name. Please make sure the KIDS INLINE SKATING INC you found is associated with 3854 CASTLE ROCK DR, ZIONSVILLE, IN, 46077-7802, United States, U.S.

If you know other companies have United Way Campaign or similar programs. Please search for KIDS INLINE SKATING INC. If you do not find it, please contact Lincheng Xiu at Lincheng.xiu@gmail to get the information and nominate KIDS INLINE SKATING INC in the system