2014 Skate Class


(English version is at end of this notice )

 2024年将延续类似于2023年活动方式,分为场地上课和Trail skate两类活动,加不定期的周五刷街。零基础的小朋友场地上课,有基础的小朋友刷街(中间会穿插技术教学)。分组的代号与去年相同: A:高级组;B:中级组;C:初级组; K组(9岁以上Trail起步班);Q组,企鹅班(6-8岁)场地上课。


Q组:(企鹅班, 6-8岁) 场地训练班,需在报名表中注明,面向6-8岁的新生,培训新生力量,每周一晚上7点到8点,春季班(4月15日至5月26日),夏季班(6月1号 - 7月15号),秋季班(7月16号-8月21号)开课前一周报名。每个班6次课。 报名后,请大家尽量出勤,最好不低于60%,否则,请报下一个班。春季班Q限额24名小朋友,其中新学员报名最多8家,每家最多可以报名两个小孩,最小年龄6周岁(今年9月1号,满6周岁)或有基础5岁学前班(需事先批准),上限8周岁(今年9月1号,满8周岁)。

企鹅班内容:以训练为主,少量教学, 1) 连续滑圈; 2)技术练习(转弯,刹车,过障碍); 3)接力游戏;上课时间:每周一晚上7:00-8:00PM; 

上课地点:随机选择Creekside中学教工停车场(3525 W 126th St, IN 46032)及附近的几个场地,以保证不与其它人产生场地冲突;例如有可能是West Clay小学停车场等。

企鹅班开学日期:2024年4月15日, 周一,如因天气等原因,不能上课,顺延到下一个周一,或在适当时间补课,由教练决定时间。

 K组:9岁(及9岁以上小朋友), Trail起动班,线路:从Monon center 滑到96街往返,4mile 简称K组线路。

形式:集体活动,以练习为主,家长步行或骑自行车跟随。前两次会提供安全教育,启动,刹车,转弯演示等,以帮助大家启动起来,之后由协调人召集,每周一次。 时间:每周日下午6:30,4月21号开始;集合地点:Monon Center; 企鹅班(Q组)可以根据自己的情况参加这个活动。

初级组C:4月21号开始,9月底结束,可以在K组和B组之间选择。如果人数多会单设一个组。新来的小朋友报名这个组,要求能熟练地刹车,过障碍并有一定速度8mph(否则请报名K组或Q组),C组会根据大家的技术情况,适当设场地课,纠正动作。时间:每周日下午6:30,4月21号开始;集合地点:Monon Center;

中级B/高级组A(简称AB组):每周日下午6:30,10mile以上,一到两小时,4月21号开始,9月底结束,分中级和高级,滑Carmel的基本线路和少量周围城市线路(不固定),Carmel基本线路集合点暂定为Monon Center停车场,其它线路集合点另行通知。A,B组需要领队和扫尾自愿者,请家长入群做领队/扫尾,不会轮滑的家长可以骑自行车领队和扫尾。没有领队和扫尾,当日活动自动取消。周日A,B,K组活动通知英文版会发到轮滑日历中。建议往年A组和B组的小朋友报名这个组,新来的小朋友报名这个组需特别谨慎,除非以前有很好的经验,不建议新来的小朋友直接报名这两个组,这个组要求能实时处理路上的突发事件。A,B组会根据情况,适当设场地课,训练接力,加强技巧,上课有学号,有测试,有成绩记录,上课时,将取消当天轮滑活动。A组报名最低要求:半马(21公里,或13.1mile)1小时内完成,简称“半马一小时”,以比赛成绩为准,没成绩的,请自测:146街到86街Monon往返1小时完成(包括过马路的时间)。B组最低要求暂时定为16公里/小时或10mph(以1小时测试为准)。以上规定主要是为了避免出现本组有的小朋友过度训练,有的小朋友训练量不足的现象。



年度活动Picnic, Friday Night, Milestone,P2P, Halloween,冬季轮滑聚会,轮滑比赛等活动与往年基本相同,活动前会通知大家。


报名: 为减轻工作量,今年报名略有改动,请大家配合完成下面三步(不分先后)

  1. 交报名费:年费,成人班$60, 小孩每人$40 ,同一位小朋友无论上几期班或参加几次轮滑活动,全年只交一次报名费(Milestone, P2P另外交报名费)。例如,有的小朋友暑假外出时间较长,只能上一期班或参加一次活动,报名费也是$40。请用Chase Quick Pay (Zelle)付给kidsinlineskating@gmail.com (收款方:kids Inline Skating Inc),注明“skate class+小朋友名字(英文First Last)"。

2. 签报名表:报名表pdf文件


签字扫描或拍照email给kidsinlineskating@gmail.com (收表,交费都用这个email),一家有两个小孩报名,在同一个班的,可以填到一张表上,否则,请填两张表。

3. 填写统计表:填写轮滑学员以及家长的简要信息。




报名要求:1) 能够严格自觉遵守轮滑课纪律;2) 符合年龄要求;3) 初次报名的家庭需要推荐人,一名具有两年经历的轮滑课家庭成员,请在报名表上注明;4) 自己家要有医保(万一小孩受伤,需用自己家保险支付);











20180401版:小孩轮滑训练课/轮滑活动纪律及处罚 (Class rules)


警告及处罚条例: 分为:黄牌警告与红牌处罚

黄牌:只警告不处罚,最多两次。包括(但不限于):1) 撞人或绊倒别人不道歉者;2) 同一错误口头警告两次以上无效者;

红牌:处罚 (Red card penalties)





红牌处罚包括(但不限于):1) 两次黄牌警告无效时;2) 故意做危险动作,威胁别人安全;3) 以大欺小者,歧视新队员者;4)打架的双方,均得红牌,无论是谁发起的。







1/22/2024 起草,1/23/公布)


Introduction to Roller Skating Activities in 2024 and Roller Skating Class Registration Notice

In 2024, activities will continue in a manner similar to 2023, divided into on-site classes and Trail skate activities, with occasional street skating on Fridays. For beginners, there are on-site classes, and for those with experience, street skating (with intermittent technical teaching). The group codes remain the same as last year: A: Advanced Group; B: Intermediate Group; C: Beginner Group; K Group (Trail Beginners, 9 years and above); Q Group, Penguin Class (6-8 years) for on-site classes.


Q Group: (Penguin Class, 6-8 years old) On-site training class, open to new students aged 6-8. Training focuses on new students' strength, every Monday night from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Spring term (April 15 to May 26), summer term (June 1 to July 15), and fall term (July 16 to August 21), registration opens one week before the start of each term. Each class consists of 6 sessions. After registration, please attend as much as possible, preferably not less than 60%. Otherwise, consider registering for the next class. The Q class in the spring term is limited to 24 children, with a maximum of 8 new students, each family can register up to two children, minimum age 6 years old (by September 1 this year, turning 6 years old) or with basic skills at 5 years old (approval required in advance), and a maximum of 8 years old (by September 1 this year, turning 8 years old).

Penguin Class Content: Mainly focused on training with minimal teaching, including 1) Continuous skating in circles; 2) Technical exercises (turns, braking, overcoming obstacles); 3) Relay games. Class time: Every Monday night from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

Class locations: Randomly selected locations such as Creekside Middle School faculty parking lot (3525 W 126th St, IN 46032) and nearby areas to avoid conflicts with others. For example, it might be West Clay Elementary School parking lot.

Penguin Class Start Date: April 15, 2024, Monday. In case of weather issues, if a class cannot be held, it will be postponed to the next Monday or rescheduled at an appropriate time, decided by the coach.

K Group: Starting from 9 years old (and above), Trail Beginners, route: Skating from Monon Center to 96th Street round trip, 4-mile route.

Format: Group activity focused on practice, parents walking or biking along. Safety education, start-up, braking, and turning demonstrations will be provided in the first two sessions to help everyone get started. After that, the coordinator will gather participants once a week. Time: Every Sunday afternoon at 6:30 PM, starting from April 21; Meeting point: Monon Center. Penguin Class (Q Group) can join this activity based on their situation.

Beginner Group C: Starting from April 21, ending in late September, with the option to choose between K Group and B Group. If the number of participants is high, a separate group may be formed. New children joining this group should be able to brake proficiently, overcome obstacles, and have a certain speed of 8mph (otherwise, consider registering for K Group or Q Group). Group C will have on-site classes based on everyone's skill level to correct movements. Time: Every Sunday afternoon at 6:30 PM, starting from April 21; Meeting point: Monon Center.

Intermediate B/Advanced Group A (AB Group): Every Sunday afternoon at 6:30 PM, covering more than 10 miles, lasting one to two hours, starting from April 21 and ending in late September. It includes both intermediate and advanced skaters, covering basic routes in Carmel and some routes in surrounding cities (not fixed). The assembly point for Carmel's basic route is tentatively set at Monon Center parking lot, while other route assembly points will be notified separately. A, B groups need leaders and volunteers for sweepers. Parents are encouraged to join as leaders/sweepers, and non-skating parents can lead and sweep on bikes. If there are no leaders and sweepers, the day's activity will be automatically canceled. English versions of Sunday activity notices for A, B, K groups will be posted on the skating calendar. It is recommended for children who were part of A and B groups in previous years to register for this group. New children joining this group should be cautious unless they have good previous experience. This group requires the ability to handle unexpected events on the road in real-time. Depending on the situation, A, B groups may have on-site classes, relay training, skill enhancement, and attendance will be recorded. If there are classes, the day's skating activity will be canceled. Minimum requirements for A group registration: Complete a half marathon (21 km or 13.1 miles) within 1 hour, referred to as "half marathon in one hour," based on race results. If there are no results, please self-test: Complete the round trip from 146th Street to 86th Street on Monon within 1 hour (including crossing the road). B group's minimum requirement is temporarily set at 16 km/h or 10 mph (based on a 1-hour test). The above regulations are mainly to avoid some children in the group training excessively while others have insufficient training.

Cross-group Rules: Fast groups can join slow groups, but not Q group. When slow groups try skating with fast groups, parents must follow along. The order from slow to fast is QKCBA.

Huangpu Adult Roller Skating Class: Four sessions this year, with a decision in June whether this class will continue.

Annual Activities: Picnic, Friday Night, Milestone, P2P, Halloween, Winter Roller Skating Gathering, Roller Skating Competition, and other activities are mostly the same as in previous years. Notices for activities will be communicated in advance.

Milestone Host Family Registration: Families interested in hosting Milestone, please indicate on the form. The confirmation will be made in mid-May.

Registration: To reduce workload, there are slight changes to registration this year. Please cooperate with the following three steps (order doesn't matter):


Registration fee refund policy: Full refunds will be issued for withdrawals within two weeks after the start of the classes; no refunds will be processed thereafter.

Registration deadline: All registrations must be completed by 8:00 PM on January 31, 2024. If the Penguin Class (Q group) reaches full capacity, early closure will be announced in the group.

Registration requirements:

Weather considerations: Classes/activities will be canceled in case of rain or cold weather. In the event of multiple consecutive cancellations, make-up classes will be scheduled at the coach's discretion. Parents are encouraged to cooperate with the rescheduling of make-up classes.

New student enrollment limit: To minimize safety risks, there will be restrictions on the enrollment of new roller-skating students. Enrollment will be reviewed in the order of registration, and if the class is full, registration fees and forms will be refunded. Families without successful registrations are requested to understand. The enrollment limit for new students may vary by quarter, depending on specific circumstances. If unable to register this quarter, consider registering for the next quarter, usually starting one week before the classes begin.

New student roller-skating equipment check: New students should contact the coach before the start of classes (arrangements may be made based on registration), to inspect roller-skating equipment: helmet, gloves, elbow pads, knee pads, and roller skates. Based on past experiences, most new students are impacted during the first class due to issues with their roller-skating equipment. Toy roller skates with high resistance are not suitable for class. Additionally, protective gear, especially helmets with safety issues, must be resolved before attending classes. Parents are advised to prepare in advance.

Returning students from previous years: Parents, please check your child's roller-skating equipment in advance. As children grow quickly, if roller skates are too small, prepare new ones in advance. For protective gear and helmets with issues, please address them before class. The speed of children who attended classes in previous years continues to increase, making protective gear increasingly important. To minimize the risk of injury, parents must pay attention to the pre-class inspection of protective gear and ensure that it is in good condition and worn correctly.

Roller-skating class and activity discipline: Parents, especially those with new students, please read the roller-skating class discipline before registration and explain it to your child:

Class rules as of April 1, 2018

Discipline: Follow the coach's instructions, attend classes seriously, and prioritize safety. Avoid collisions as much as possible. Deliberate collisions or tripping others intentionally are not allowed. If unintentional collisions or trips occur, timely apologies are required. Mutual assistance and learning are encouraged. Discrimination and bullying of new and younger team members are not allowed.

Warning and penalty regulations: Divided into yellow card warnings and red card penalties.

Yellow card: Only a warning, no penalties, up to two times. This includes (but is not limited to): 1) Failure to apologize after intentionally colliding with or tripping others; 2) Verbal warnings for the same mistake twice or more.

Red card: Penalties (Red card penalties). Accumulate one red card: One-week suspension. Accumulate two red cards: 26-week suspension (equivalent to six months). Accumulate three red cards: Permanent cancellation of all future registrations related to roller-skating, including (but not limited to) roller-skating training classes, activities, Milestone, P2P, etc.

Accumulated red cards: Red cards only increase and do not decrease. Once a red card is received, it remains valid permanently.

Red card penalties include (but are not limited to): 1) Two ineffective yellow card warnings; 2) Intentionally performing dangerous actions that threaten the safety of others; 3) Bullying new team members or younger members; 4) Both parties involved in a fight receive a red card, regardless of who initiated it.

Roller-skating class coaches, daily leaders, and sweepers all have the right to issue verbal warnings, yellow card warnings, or propose red card penalties. Red card penalties require confirmation and a vote for approval.

For first-time registering parents, please review the following links:

(Drafted on 1/22/2024, Published on 1/23/2024)