
夏天在海燕家的一次聚会上,我提议创建一个轮滑活动,调节一下轮滑课的气氛,得到大家认同。讨论一段时间后,8月10号,周日上午,付诸行动,19个小朋友参加了第一届Milestone,场地由Coxhall Gardens免费提供,总计费用$150,由四家主办家庭提供。当时很多家长认为5岁小孩连续滑1小时是不可能的,但这个“不可能”那天变成了可能,所有小朋友都兴致勃勃地滑到最后一分钟,让家长们看到了替力。从此,Milestone成了轮滑课的年度亮点之一,为初学者设立了一个触手可及的目标。



In 2014, Milestone was born.

During a gathering at Haiyan's house in the summer, I proposed the idea of creating a rollerblading event to lighten up the atmosphere of our classes, and it was well-received by everyone. After some discussion, we took action on Sunday morning, August 10th, with 19 kids participating in the first Milestone event. Coxhall Gardens provided the venue for free, and the total cost was $150, which was covered by four sponsoring families. At the time, many parents believed that it was impossible for a 5-year-old child to rollerblade continuously for one hour. However, on that day, the "impossible" became possible, and all the children enthusiastically skated until the last minute, showing their determination to their parents. From then on, Milestone became one of the highlights of the rollerblading class, providing a reachable goal for beginners.

For details about the first Milestone event in Chinese, you can find them here:
