2018年,增加了Halloween Skate

每年的P2P结束后,天所变冷,不再出来轮滑,互动少了,时间一长,要找一个借口一聚。Halloween Skate就是在这种情况下应运而生。这个活动的特点一是晚上天黑的情况下滑,看不清路,要有灯,小朋友感到好玩;二是大人小孩都穿Halloween服装,与平时大不一样;三是活动结束前给小朋友发糖。发糖对成人没什么,但对小朋友有吸引力。Halloween Skate不是当天,而是提前一天,主要是为了不与小朋友当天的要糖活动冲突。

In 2018, the Halloween Skate event was created.

After the P2P event each year, the weather gets colder and people are less likely to come out for skating, so there is less interaction. Over time, there is a need for an excuse to get together. Halloween Skate was created in response to this situation. The event is characterized by skating at night in the dark, so lights are needed, making it fun for children. Both adults and children wear Halloween costumes, making it different from other events. At the event end, candy is given to the children. Candy may not be attractive to adults, but it is for children. Halloween Skate is held one day before Halloween to avoid conflicting with other candy-gathering activities for children.

2018年,Milestone, P2P 等活动,均于2019年6月29号移到这里做为历史资料保存,请不要删除。