What you learn from Our Classes

Q 班 (6-8岁):











K班 (9岁及以上)


C班 刷街初级班




Our organization offers multiple levels of classes/groups according to the skill levels and age of each student. We name these groups by letter. Groups include Q, K, A, B, and C. 

Group/Class Q  (6-8 years old): CLASSES EVERY MONDAY FROM 7-8 PM ----- BEGINNERS

Goal: cultivating interest, focusing on practice, appropriate teaching for our younger students. This is the youngest class offered by our organization. 

What to Expect: group classes (10-20 kids per class) on site every Monday from 7-8 PM. These practices will be held in the parking lot of Creekside Middle School in Carmel, Indiana. Note that weekly class locations may change based on special circumstances. During class, our coaches will provide demonstrations and break down the movements for drills and practice. Coaches will correct common errors during practice and will also provide targeted training. 

Class Content: starting, balance, braking/downhill, turning, backward skating, obstacle passing. The class is organized into 4-6 15-minute sessions. The first session includes skating continuous laps around a set of cones (each skater will have a counting chip strapped on the helmet for our self-developed lap-counting system). Other sessions may include technical instruction, drills, relay games, etc. 

Group/Class K (9 years old and above): CLASSES EVERY SUNDAY ----- OLDER BEGINNERS

Class Q content is basically the same as Class Q (see above) but the class is shorter, usually completed in 2 to 4 sessions. The focus is on intensive practice and any problems during practice will be addressed collectively.

Group C: Intermediate Street Skating ----- NOT RECOMMENDED FOR ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS

Problems discovered are addressed in one or two classes. Participation in street/trail skate events are available. 

Group A and B: Advanced Street Skating ------ RECOMMENDED FOR THOSE PROFICIENT IN SKATING

Beginner speed roller skating training, with some time devoted to technical instruction on the practice area, or a unified explanation of problems encountered during training at the beginning or end.