Milestone 2014

1. 活动日程的细节安排

8:00 布置场地,大约1小时。计圈系统,Canopy,阳伞,摆放发奖品的桌椅

9:00 小孩到场,穿轮滑鞋

9:15 起点点名(Call for start),简短强调活动注意事项

9:25 国歌


10:30 滑圈结束,集体照

10:40 自由活动

11:00 回家

2. 照片及录象:需两个志愿者

3. Banner: 可以考虑做一个简单地横幅:2014 Kids Inline Milestone,挂在计圈系统上,并系几个气球,以烘托场上气氛,小孩每次滑到这里能看到这些彩色,会很高兴。活动结束时,集体照可以此为背景,有纪念意义。

4. 关于防晒:上午场地上可能阳光较强,家长需考虑小孩带防晒,如用防晒霜,带太阳镜等。休息时,场地旁边只有几棵小树,没有太多的阴凉处,如果能带上阳伞之类的室外设备是最好的。我家可以提供一个Canopy(3X6米),放在发奖处,会提供一些阴凉,但不会很大。

5. 其它:请补充。

2014 Kids Inline Milestone Invitation

What Kids (3-9 year) skate laps in a park

Who Kids and parents (and other family members)of the invited families.

When 8/10/2014 Sunday, 9:30AM-10:30AM

You may need to be on site a little bit earlier to put skates on, the event will start at 9:30AM sharp. If it rains in the morning, we may cancel/postpone this event, unless the rain can stop before 8:00AM (it takes about 1 to 2 hours to dry)

Where: Coxhall Gardens

Physical Address: 2000 W 116th St Carmel, IN 46032

Other Address: 11795 Towne Rd Carmel, IN 46032

Parking: please park at yellow parking lot. The red parking lot is used for event.

Note: This is a family organized event, you do not need to pay anything, just bring your kids to the park and let them play. To encourage kids skate more laps, we will issue some small gifts (prepared by three families) to the kids every some laps, depends upon their ability.