Friday Night Skate

What: Friday Night Skate in West Carmel, about 6 to 9.7 mile depends upon your capability, slow pace

When: Friday 7:00 PM leave (Please arrive at 6:50 PM) 

Where: Creekside Middle School Parking lot

Who: Beginner, intermediate and advanced skaters in the inline skate class.

Route: (see the map below)

This route has been checked, we will skate on sidewalk, the risk is low for most of intermediate inline skaters. (above link works on PC, but may not work on android phone)


1. Helmet and protection gears are required. 

2. Parent can ride a bike and follow the team, please do not ride bike in the team.

3. The skaters please skate between the skater leader and sweeper. If you need to quit, please let the sweeper know. 

Friday night meet parking lot Creekside Middle School

Friday Night Skate Route Map 9.7 mile (for Group A, and B)

Friday Night Skate Route Map 6 mile for Group C (removed 3.7 mile community road from 9.7 mile route)     126 ST-> Towne ->106-> Shellborne -126st.

A LED safety Light can make you visible. Clip it around knee pad.  A bottle holder is a smart choice for FNS. You can free you two hands, and skate like a professional skater.

Road Skate Safety Rules

1. Keep all skater in a group.  Please skate between the leader and the sweeper, don't overtake the leader, don't get behind the sweeper. To quit before finish, please notify the sweeper.

2. The team leader must stop and wait for all skaters before crossing the road, make sure safe and command the crossing in a unified manner. Do not let the children cross the road by themselves.

3. If there are unsafe factors, verbally remind others. For example: "Car back!", "Car up!", "Rough road!", "Gravel!"

4. Keep right and skate inline. If a vehicle overtakes, please skate in the safest way to ensure that you will not suddenly fall. Do not skate in the opposite lane without the permission of the skate leader. If the skaters are blocking traffic for a long time, please stop to the side of the road to give way to the vehicles.

5. When going down big hill, please control the speed appropriately.

6. Skate politely and make way for pedestrians. Please don't compete with pedestrians. If you encounter pedestrians or vehicles giving way, please express gratitude. 


1. 一个整体,统一行动。小朋友请在领队与扫尾之间滑行,不要超越领队,不要落后扫尾。中途退出,请通知扫尾。

2. 领队要在过马路前停下等齐,确认安全,统一指挥过马路,不要让小朋友自主过马路。

3. 发现有不安全的因素,口头提示他人。例如:“Car back!”,”Car up!”,”Rough road!”,  ”Gravel!”

4. 尽量靠右侧,排队前进,如遇车辆超越,请以最安全的方式滑行,确保不会突然摔倒。未经领队允许,不要到对面车道滑行。如果队伍长时间大量堵车,请停到路边给车让路。

5. 下大坡时,请适当控制速度。

6. 礼貌滑行,为行人让路。请不要与行人抢路。如遇到行人或车辆让路,请表达谢意。

Kids Inline Skating 周五刷街历史


West Carmel Friday Night Skate

Lincheng Xiu, May 12,2018

2018年5月11日,周五,是一个值得纪念的日子,这一天我们确定了9.7mile 长的周五刷街线路。12个人,从在这条线路上第一次正式刷过,表明我们“玉米地”村,也拥有了大都市才有的“周五刷街”活动,而且质量一点不逊色。


FNS - Friday Night Skate,周五刷街,是一个专用名词,地球村轮滑爱好者都知道。工作了一周,周五晚上出来放松一下,不用担心第二天晚起,滑友相遇,尽情拉风。很多年之前,我曾将周五刷街概括为:“有一定运动量的街头社交活动”,赢得掌声许多。








Willows are dim and flowers are bright again in another village

West Carmel Friday Night Skate

Lincheng Xiu, May 12,2018

On May 11, 2018, Friday, was a day worth commemorating. On this day, we established a 9.7-mile-long Friday skating route. With 12 people officially skating on this route for the first time, we showed that our "cornfield" village also had the "Friday Night Skate" activity that only metropolitan areas have, and the quality was not inferior.

"Brushing street" is a very helpless term, but it vividly expresses the joy of skating on the street or road. It is said to be helpless because it sounds very "rustic," but the meaning it conveys is so "foreign" that any formal term pales in comparison and is unable to express the true meaning of "skating on street"

FNS - Friday Night Skate, is a specific term that roller skating enthusiasts around the world are familiar with. After a week of work, on Friday night, you can come out and relax without worrying about waking up late the next day, meet skating friends, and have a good time. Many years ago, I summed up Friday Night Skate as a "street social activity with a certain amount of exercise," and it received a lot of applause.

The world is big, and our village is small. Dreaming of having an FNS? That's impossible! But you know what? Sometimes dreams really do come true, and it happened in our "Cornfield" village. Isn't that legendary? Outsiders must think so. Only those who know the inside story will believe that this is the inevitable result of history.

Transforming the so-called impossible into a possibility has always been a specialty of our "Cornfield" village people. Let's talk about this FNS. Years ago, it was absolutely impossible several times. What was the result? We started a roller skating class for children in our village, which started with one student in the first year, then two students in the second year, and seven students in the third year... After several years, we had to limit the class size to 39 students and divided the class into three groups, rotating class locations. With the passage of time, the first batch of two or three-year-old children have grown into elementary school students around the age of nine, with their roller skating skills improving day by day. Participating in competitions is now possible, and FNS is just a piece of cake. As the saying goes, everything is ready except for the east wind.

To say that the east wind was not simply awaited, but was forced to come is true. For two consecutive springs, the enrollment for the roller skating class was so popular that it became a problem. While this may seem like a good thing, the village had limited teaching resources and could not expand the class size. The older children, even though they had grown up, still wanted to come back and take classes. How could you refuse them? And the younger siblings were already eagerly waiting next to the roller skating class, practicing on their own and mastering about 70 to 80 percent of the class material, just waiting to reach the age to enroll. With the older children not leaving and the younger ones constantly pushing in, the situation was unsustainable. What could be done? That's when FNS was forced into existence.

Isn't FNS just a street skating event? What does it have to do with roller skating class enrollment? Everything is connected. Think about it. FNS is an intermediate-level event that would surely attract the older children who want to improve quickly. One FNS night is equivalent to the training of three to four roller skating classes. If they already spent an evening skating at FNS, would they want to spend another evening taking a beginner's roller skating class? This is something to consider. Nowadays, children are so busy with numerous extracurricular classes that parents want them to attend up to 20 classes a week. Will they have time for roller skating two evenings a week? If they do, then roller skating will be a pleasant surprise. Your child will surely love it and perhaps become a great skater.

FNS doesn't really require coaching resources, and parents can just ride along and have fun. As long as they skate enough distance, there will be progress. Additionally, FNS doesn't limit the number of people, and the more people that join, the more exciting it becomes. Just look at Paris's Friday night street skating with over 10,000 people! Our village's Friday night street skating may not have as many people as Paris, but we win with quality.

The 12 people for this Friday night street skating were randomly selected and were just a trial run. The main focus was to assess the safety and length of the route. How many people will show up in the future? Let's wait and see.

To conclude with a familiar quote: "Street skating is a declaration, street skating is a propaganda team, street skating is a sowing machine." The roller skating class registration problem made us feel like we were at our wit's end, but Friday night street skating is our new hope.


The literal translation of "柳暗花明又一村" is "willows are dim and flowers are bright again in another village," but it's often used as an idiomatic expression to describe a situation where there's a sudden turn for the better. A possible translation of the sentence containing the phrase could be:

"The problem of too many sign-ups for the roller skating class made us feel like we were at our wits' end, but the West Carmel Friday Night Skate turned things around and gave us hope again."








1)  最近两周内,接触过Covid19感染者

2) 最近两周内,去过外地,特别是乘坐飞机者

3) 家庭成员中感染或疑似感染Covi19者







 A:高级组;B:中级组;C:初级组;  D:自行车组;   E组:成人轮滑组;Q: 企鹅班

累计   姓名    组(A~E)微信

1 Lincheng Xiu E Linchen Xiu

2 Sophia Pei A 华兴

3 华兴 D 华兴

4 Shane Wang C Cheny

5 Eric Yao C Cheny










Lincheng Xiu, 4/17/2021



West park东侧的小区是第一个休息点,原计划在这里分成两组,结果发现大部分的小朋友基本都能跟上。我们决定不分组继续前进,直到必须分组的时候再说。



大约滑到6mile的地方第5个休息点附近,因为天色已晚,8:15,临时决定将原来的一个组分成两个组,让速度稍微慢的小朋友超近路(总长度从原计划的9.7降到了约8mile)回终点。8个滑的比较快的小朋友 A4个,B4个,选择继续滑完全程9.7mile,晚上8:43,回到 Creekside中学教工停车场,全程用时大约1小时35分钟,比往年的1小时20分钟略长,考虑到是今年第1次,基本正常。

